2708614 FO converter with integrated optical diagnostics, coated PCB, alarm contact, for PROFIBUS up to 12 Mbps, T-coupler with two FO interfaces (BFOC), 850 nm, for PCF or fiberglass cable (multimode).
2708559 Fiber optic converter with integrated optical diagnostics, alarm contact, for PROFIBUS up to 12 Mbps, termination device with one fiber optic interface (SC-Duplex), 1300 nm, for fiberglass cable.
Senin 21/11 - Rabu 23/11: 09.00 - 20.00 Kam 24/11: tutup - Selamat Hari Thanksgiving! Jum, 25/11: 08.00 - 22.00 Sabtu 26/11 - Minggu 27/11: 10.00 - 21.00 (semua jam adalah Waktu Bagian Timur)